Introducing Our Teachers: Margherita Parri
Margherita discovered Yoga in 2012 and she was immediately fascinated by this intense physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Yoga allows Margherita to approach herself and what surrounds her in her everyday life in a more conscious way.
Yoga lets Margherita express her inventive side and stimulates her curiosity. She feels a deep connection between the creative part of designing a Yoga class and her daily professional life as an Interior Architect.
Margherita is a freshly graduated B.Yoga Teacher (2022) and she is very grateful to have the opportunity to share Yoga and create a harmonious connection between the body, the inner Self and the outer world.
Her Monday morning class is the perfect way to start the week. Her practice opens with a short meditation to welcome the new day, followed by energizing and dynamic movements to let you feel fully recharged and empowered.
The topic of her classes changes weekly but the sequencing structure keeps always a specific order which allows you to explore something new without loosing the thread.
After her class you are ready to start the day full of energy, balance and awareness.
📅 Current Schedule:
Morning Vinyasa | Mondays, 9:30-10:30 @ B.Yoga
📸 @flaviaschaubphoto